Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sicker than a dog

Yesterday was a fun day. I didn't have any finals...well I did have to clean the ceramics room but that was nothing. Went to Dr. Hufty's house and that was a lot of fun. I got bit by plenty of misquitoes.

Midnight breakfast rolls around. I'm still feeling stuffed from eating hot dogs and smores. Well then all of a sudden it turns for the worst. My stomach is doing flips and other stuff is going on. Bah.

I puke at midnight breakfast. Not a fun thing to do. I start drinking sierra mist hoping that that will ease the rumblings. BUT NO. I wake up every hour and spend my quailty time with the toilet. I have never been this sick in my life. So I miss 2 finals today. GREAT!!! I haven't left my apartment yet today but thanks to my amazing friends they went and got me Cherry 7up.

I hate being sick. It is no fun. One of the finals that I missed today, that was my first time missing that class all semester. lol

Well I hope that you aren't too grossed out now. I am going to go lay in my bed again. This is what I have been doing all day.

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

You're all better now....but we're apart!!! tear.