Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mount Everest

I love South Africa. God's beauty is seen all over the place. I walk out of my cabin and I see the three mountains that surround the base. I also see the beautiful brown fields that are all over the place. The only not pretty thing so far... is stepping in poop. They have horses all over the base and they are able to roam where ever they want. :/

Last night my friends and I laied out under the stars and it was such an amazing experience. You can see sooo many stars. I didn't know that so many existed. Being in the Southern Hemisphere, I didn't realize that there are different constellations. I was trying to find the Big Dipper...but that is not able to be seen down here. Now I need to study the stars! haha

Yesterday we went to the local orphanage in Harrismith. Those children are so precious and I love them. They have the most beautiful voices ever and one song that they were singing really hit home. They were singing "Thank you Lord for everything that you have done in (someones) life". This really moved me to tears. These orphans have absolutely nothing and they are Thanking the Lord for everything that He has done for them. It really humbled me.

Today is our off day and a few friends and I decided that we were going to climb one of the mountains that are here on base. We decided that we were going to climb Mount Everest. Oh my gosh. It only took us a little less than an hr to get up there. I was SUPER impressed with myself. Granted it is the shortest mountain on the base but still.... I CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN! WOOT! It was a lot of fun. Granted I couldn't breathe a times but... I caught my breath.

Well that is all from Africa...



Brooke said...

Mal Mal. Good to hear some updates about what you are up to! I know you are going to continue to have an amazing time there! Nice job climbing a mountain : )

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

People should read this.