Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well it seems to be that time of year again/stage in life, where people decide that they are going to get married/engaged.

Part 1

To my friends that will be getting married,

I will be in South Africa for 2 months and I am sad that I will be missing out on so many of my friends weddings. I love going to weddings and supporting my friends in their life time commitments but I know that God has called me to South Africa for a reason. (Maybe I will meet my future hubby there... JUST KIDDING! BUT... that would be awesome.) Oh I make myself laugh sometimes. I just want to say CONGRATS to my friends who will be getting hitched...Justin and Kathryn, Michelle, Kim, Chris, Jessica, and if I forgot you... I am TERRIBLY sorry but there are soo many weddings. I wish you all the best lives and happiness!!


Part 2

To my friends who are thinking about getting engaged over the summer,

Just because I am in Africa and I won't have my cell phone on DOES NOT mean that I get to find out about your engagement over Facebook. That is NOT cool. If I was in the states, I would receive a phone call so I should receive an e-mail instead. If you want to call my cell phone and leave a message, that is great too but I won't get to check it until August 9.

Especially if this is a HUGE surprise... I must know!

Well I will be leaving in 5 days so you all should get engaged fast so I can have a few days to celebrate it and call and hear the story! Yes!


1 comment:

Brooke said...

Too funny girly! Well, no engagement will be taking place here (that I am aware of). I hope you have an incredible time! I'll miss you!