Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Spring Break

I was so excited for you to be here but now I am so excited for you to be over.
It is Wednesday and I think...think I have all of my homework done that can be done at home.
I'm ready to turn 21.
I am so excited to hear the awesome stuff that is happening in Florida for Beach Reach.
Jesus pretty much rocks when it comes to changing peoples hearts.

I'm ready to go to South Africa. Well at least I think I'm ready.
I wish that there was stuff that I could read to prepare myself for this awesome adventure that I am going to embark on this summer.
New friends. They are always so fun.
I love being away from the American culture and allowing God to speak to my heart.
I wish that I could hear Him so clearly when I am in "my environment" but it is so hard for me to focus.
Could someone please be praying for me in that area?

I love blogging. It keeps me young. haha. I just like getting all of my thoughts out there and out of the way so that I can think clearly. Does that make since? I hope that it does.

I am very happy for all of my friends that are getting married this summer. What an awesome time God has placed in their lives. One day it will be my turn and EVERYONE is going to know about it. haha.

I have discovered a new favorite TV show since being home.... My Big Redneck Wedding. Why do these people think that it is necessary to have such a weird wedding? I'm sure part of it is because the tv show gives them money. Oh oh ... another favorite show is... Trading Spouses. Some of those rich people need to be knocked off their high horse. So at the end of the show each wife writes a letter to the family that they stayed with and they tell them how the $50,000 is going to be spent. Well this one black lady was at this ritsy Japanese/American house and the grandma was from Japan and hasn't been back in a long time. Well the black lady left all the money to be spent by the Japanese Grandma on a trip to Japan. How nice right? Well the white nasty high horse lady was like well that is not right. It could have been put in my children's college fund...blah blah blah... and then she says... well now she (the gma) has to pay taxes on it and so we don't have anything to do with that money. NASTY WOMAN!

Wow this is a really random post...but this is how my mind has worked this time home.

I did laundry on Saturday...6 weeks worth in 1 day!!! Awesome...I know! haha. Well all put the last load has been folded. It is still sitting in my basket. I'm sure that I won't fold it until I put it back into the dryer to be de-wrinkled on Saturday. Wow...I'm lazy.

Today I have sat at the computer for uh.. about 6 hrs of my day and I have only been up since 11:30.
Oh and the cyst on my tailbone... could someone pray that it goes away because it is killing me to sit down. k thanks!

Thank you Spring Break.

Love <3

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