Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Today was my first day subbing here in the grand school district of Independence. I was blessed to have Kindergarten. I think that I have made it pretty clear in my mind that I DO NOT want to teach Kindergarten. I love playing with them outside of school but trying to keep them in a classroom all day long and teach them things...not my idea of fun.

Today I had students:
* In the first hr of the day I was assigned another teacher.
* Climbing walls in the bathroom. Not stall walls but actual walls and climbing into the window.
* I was told that I was mean. (That is my favorite comment)
* I had a girl come up to me, her arm about 12 inches from her nose and there was a line of snot connecting the dots.
* One of my students had a nose bleed.
* Had a fist fight and tears the last 20 min of school.
* Sent 5 students to buddy rooms.
* Heard words that would not come out of my mouth.

Remind you...this is kindergarten.

I discovered today that I love teaching students one on one. I love helping students who are struggling and help them understand so that they can get up to task with the rest of the students. I also discovered how much I love teaching overseas. I love that children overseas have a lot more respect for strangers and teachers that come into their classroom.

Only 41 more days until South Africa. I cannot wait! I am so super excited to be on foreign soil again.

mmm yes.

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