Wednesday, April 02, 2008

75 Days

Well there are only 75 days left until I leave for South Africa. I am soo excited that God has planned this adventure out for me! It is going to be an amazing time and I know that I am going to grow leaps and bounds and have my heart changed in ways that only God can do.

Right now I am currently in our stinky library sitting at a computer that looks like a dog licked the monitor to "clean" it. Oh HLG how I will not miss thee this summer.

Summer needs to get here...well at least May. I think that I have a mild case of senioritis and I still have 1 year left!! Boo hiss.

I have met some of my team members and I am soooo excited to get to "meet" them on Saturday when we have our conference call. It is going to be AWESOME and I get to know all of the details about my trip and what time I'm leaving KC...well maybe not that yet...but I hope I get to know that. Also this weekend I am going to a Missions Conference and I am WAYYY stoaked about it. God is going to teach me some awesome things. I feel like I'm truely becoming a missionary because lets see.... I don't bathe often, I don't care about my looks...well some of the times I care... I don't have a fake tan (but I wish that I did) so the pale is the new tan... I rely on other people and GOD to help me find my way around the world to tell people about Him and... I'm going to a conference. haha.

What else can I ramble about??? uh.... I have mentioned that I'm over school? Because I am. I had 6 days of no homework and then all of a sudden...BAM..tons of homework. I'm not liking this. I like the steady pace of homework.

I have no free weekends.. well the last weekend of April. This weekend...conference, the following weekend... D-Now..SO EXCITED!! Then the following weekend it is the Cardinals game and Gala!! I need to find a part so that I can practice my character!! :)

Ok well it is time for chapel... :)
